Sunday, May 02, 2010

Almost Papi

It's crazy to realize that in four days (perhaps sooner) I'm going to have a child. It still doesn't seem real, even when there are limbs flailing underneath Tiff's belly. I am so excited though! I can't wait to see what she looks like (I hope she's not weird looking) so that we can finally finalize her name... I don't think we are 100% sure on her name yet.. but it's close at least.

So I have all of my finals this week. I never knew that school could be so challenging- I always thought that BYU was difficult, but man! If I studied then like I have to now I could have had a 4.0 easy. It is scary that Tiff's due date is the same day as my last two finals. We are hoping that she will endure to the end... and if she does it will be perfect, really. We are scheduled to have Tiff induced immediately after my last final, then I have a week off of school! So hooray for being able to get to know my kid right off the bat! I think it will be perfect.

Well, that's all I have to say about that.


Michelle said...

Holy cow, Zak! Super crazy week. Good luck with finishing up finals! Can't WAIT to see the new lil' girlie. You better post pictures!!! She's going to be a doll - super impossible for Tiff to have a "weird looker". haha!

mynameisbobby said...

sssssssoooooo excited! you r gonna be de best papi in de whole world!

Pam and Rand said...

I'm hopin & prayin for Thursday. I hope Tiff hangs in, but still feels good. This baby will be a beauty - she won't be able to be anything less. Good luck on a life changing week! I can't wait to get there!

Linz said...

Good luck with your exams and the delivery! What an exciting week!

heidi said...

I'm sad that I haven't seen Tiffanie with a bigger belly. It's weird that we haven't seen you. Good luck with your finals. I hope the tiny babe hangs in there until then. Good luck Tiffanie! I can't wait to hear all about it.

Larry and Cindy said...

I can't wait to see this little doll!!! I hope you get your finals done and that baby decides to come right when you are finished with finals!!! Tiff you look so darn cute and I am so glad you posted your belly pictures. How adorable you are and Zak too so how could the baby be anything else but cute!!! Love Ya, Cindy

Larry and Cindy said...
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Jaime said...

Good luck lil' bro! Everything will be great. I can't wait to see her!