Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Hello All

Wow. I feel like I have been in some awful blogging slumber for a long, long while. I'm sorry for the long wait. I guess I'm kinda busy or something. Oh wait... I had a whole month off for Christmas since my last blog. Hehe... well then. Here are the updates. As I'm sure you are all aware of now, Tiffanie is with child and we are EVER so excited. It is a girl, and we are planning on calling her Evelynn Claire (Eva for short (Pronounced ay-vah or Ee-vah, whichever you prefer))(Oh, and not evie (Eh-vee), we don't like Evie. We don't want her to be called heavy Evie if she happens to be chubby.) I am reserving the fatherly right to call her my little E. Claire (I love those pastries, so naturally, I would like to call her that) ... (oh, and if she's fat lets not call her E. Claire... you know, being cream and all). We would also like to give due warning that this name may be changed if we so decide, so don't get too used to that name. Although that's probably the name.

In preparation for celebration of this little munchkin I have been making a quilt in her honor. I thought it would be cool to make it with a huge E on the front to revere her awesome name. I must say, I am pleased with my work thus far. I free-hand cut that E, and it took a long freaking time embroidering that letter onto the fabric. It is almost complete. I am excited for it.

In other news, I am obsessed with scrabble lately. If any of you want to play me over facebook, lets get it on (played to the Barry White music "Let's get it oooooon").... But I don't mean that in a sexual way... that invitation especially goes out to you, Mandoo. Words seem to be your thang, and I would like to destroy you. (At Scrabble).

School has been going well. I am no longer working with the cadavers, but am learning about drugs, the brain, orthopaedics, therapeutic exercise, and the likes. I'm really enjoying it. OH and it looks like I might be coming to Utah for ALL of my clinicals. (hopefully). So, that means that we will be there this summer for six weeks, and then moving back up there for good the summer of 2011. So that will be awesome! The only thing we will have to look at is if we want to stay in Utah to work... because physical therapists make didly squat in Utah.

Well, I just thought I would let you all know how we are doing. We are alive, and very happy. Loves to all!


mandi said...

Now that we've found love what are we gonna do.....with it.

Well, you've done it, Zak. I will now be calling her Heavy E, the overweight lover. If you don't know what I'm talking about, please study your early 90's rap.

Hi, I'm Zak and I made a quilt. And I go to Physical Therapy school in my spare time. When are you going to shutup? Seriously, though, that is a freaking sweet quilt. But the hatred is still within me.

As far as scrabble goes: BRING IT.

faith said...

I love that you sew, Zak. That's awesome. And your baby girl will love it. Congratulations!

Linz said...

Nice quilt!! Love that name! So pretty!

Kent and Leisy said...

We are totally calling her evie. I love the name evie. Once upon a time I wanted to name a daughter evie. but I won't steal it because I know how tiff feels about name stealing :)

fab quilt by the way.


C, J, T, and M said...

Not only do PTs make squat in Utah, but you'll be hard pressed to find a FT job. Not to many out there at all. Unles you dont mind Neuro or Acute in a SNF or homecare. Lots of Jasons class wants to stay in Utah and as of yet no one has found anything of worth here. Good luck man--hope it changes by the time you graduate! Jason might end up accepting an offer he has down there! haha. Sounds like life is happy wonderful! yeah!

M- your favorite said...

Okay the quilt is so cute! Zak you are amazing! I also love the name! SO CUTE! Miss you guys- I want prego pictures- that is so fun and cute!
Love you both,

Pam and Rand said...

I swear I look at your dumb OLD blog everyday and am totally shocked that this is four days old. I love the quilt! What a talented son I have! I'm now praying for a big shortage of pt's in Utah in 2 years. I know your going to find a good job close, with $$$$ falling from the sky! I can't wait to see our cute little Evelynn Claire! Only 8 more weeks!

Pam and Rand said...

I'm with Kent and Leisy, Evie rules! I think the grandfather has the right to call his grandaughter whatever he wants, and Evie it is.

Zak said...

Wow, Dad. Tiff is seriously considering changing her name now. She does not want people calling her Evie. May I remind you of the Motherly right of having your child called the name she was given? For the sake of a great name you need to relent this foolishness.

mandi said...

That's kinda like with the Brownings wanting to call Isabel "Izzy." I absolutely HATED it. But they don't do it much anymore, because nobody else calls her that. I put my foot down a lot more with the "Ollie" thing. Hated that, and let it be known. So people didn't do it. Don't worry - you'll just establish the nickname you want and she'll become that, even if other people (d-bags) try to call her something else you don't like. It won't stick, don't worry.

Pam and Rand said...

Have I just been called a d-bag? Wow, I didn't realize this name thing was so intense. Sorry, I will be obedient. May I just call her Rachael?

mandi said...


Jaime said...

Holy cow, Zak! That quilt is really amazing.

I can't wait for you guys to come live in Utah - even if only for the summer. I can't wait to hold that baby!!!

We will be extra sensitive to what we call your little girl - especially if she's chubby. :)

Larry and Cindy said...

Wow Zak what a quilt!!! I couldn't come to the shower but I have something in the making for her. My prayer is that by the time you get out of PT School you will LOVE Las Vegas and will be offered a job that pays so much you can't say NO!!! Aunt Cindy loves having you here even if I don't see you that much!!! Come over every Sunday and I will make us all dinner!!! STANDING INVITATION!!! PS Love the name for your little angel!!! Love To All, Cindy