Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Long Overdue...

When Tiff and I received our wedding photos we were excited. It took the shop about seven years to get them to us, and now that I think about it, they still haven't sent us a bunch of stuff that we paid for. Louses. Anyways, when we got our pictures we had to do a long, detailed look through. Oh, it is important that you know we got them on a CD for understandation of this blog. We were looking at them on the windows picture viewer, clicking the next button for each, and these are some examples:

This is Tiff's personal favorite
I like her smile in this one. That's hot.
Awwwwwwwww. Flowers and Tiff.

Bah! Wha?? Who is this?
I don't remember Tiffanie doing this pose....
Please to look at my ring.Uh oh!! No more next button! Clothes are coming off!
Um... yeah. So our photography studio kind of messed up and put a bunch of pictures on our CD from a different girls' bridals. Are we angry? Absolutely not. Funniest thing ever.


Michelle said...

That is hilarious. You guys are good sports - I think I would have been livid. Maybe not - this post was quite entertaining. :)

Michelle said...

And PS - Tiff's pictures are absolutely gorgeous. That top one is very cool.

Linz said...

SNORT!!!! That's so funny! Tiff's pictures are gorgeous!!! Can't wait to see more!

mandi said...


Well that certainly looks like Tiff - I can see how they were confused.

Wow. Just wow.

I LOOOOOOOOVE that top one. That is SO PRETTY!!

tiffanie said...

Hahaha yikes. That was a fun discovery.

megan... said...

I'm going to second the "wow. Just Wow."

There is so much more that could be said.. but I think I should leave it at Wow.

Jason & Natashia McLean Family said...

I LOVE The picture under the arch! Like a fairy tale. Where did you take your pictures?? BTW the random pictures from your photographer - so funny!

Jaime said...

Oh... hmmm... trying so hard to be nice...

Tiff - you are gorgeous! I want to see all of your pics!

tiffany said...

the top pic of tiff is soooo gorgeoes the last few are great im laughn hard

Kent and Leisy said...

oh dear.
why did she decided to go strapless?

Pam and Rand said...

This is great humor - oh my. Jaime I know of your control. Tiff I love your pics - they are so amazing - can't wait to see them all.

mandi said...

Recreation imminent.

Cory & Alli said...

Hey guys, I love the blog! Tiff, you changed a lot in the course of a day!!! That's amazing! You probably made a record! j/k!