Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I am amazing.

So yesterday I had a hankerin' for some homemade pizza. I decided that I would try making one completely from scratch for the first time in my life. It was SO GOOD. I even made the dough!! (With the help of a bread maker). Usually I don't love homemade pizza, so it was a big deal for this to be so friggin tasty. I would post the recipe, but I'm at work and I forgot it. Doesn't it look so profesh?? I think so.


Linz said...

Wow, that looks pretty good!

heidi said...

yummers. come live with us.

Jaime said...

YUM! I made homemade pizza for the first time last week, dough, sauce and all and it was the best. I am convinced it's the way to go. Your's is a LOT more professional though. Mine was kind of an oval/square monstrosity, but it was tasty!

megan... said...

I'm Hungry!! Can you feed us some more??

tiffany said...

looks tasty i should try it some time

Pam and Rand said...

Wow Zak- you're a culinary genius! That looks way good. I say you help do the cooking on an upcoming ON Sunday. What do you say?

sugarbritches said...

No excuses - I want the recipe - it really looks good!!!!

tiffany said...

ok mr. amazing what in the world has happend to you and the close capture challenge? im missin it

Hollie Anderson said...

That looks super tasty!!!!