Friday, December 19, 2008

I am totally done at BYU!!

Is that not so exciting? I finished my very last final at BYU yesterday!! Granted, the test held me by the shoulders and kicked me between the legs very hard, but what can you do. I will now be working as a dispatcher for a few months full time until I find out if I get accepted into physical therapy school... pray that I get in!!! I have applied to five different schools: the UofU, UNLV, and then three others in Washington. Tiff and I are hoping and praying to get into the U- that would be by far the best.


Linz said...

Congratulations!!! I remember my last final. Kind of surreal! Well done! I'll be praying for you to get into the U!!!

tiffany said...

congrats if you get into unlv i have a one bed room condo that will up to rent the end of september i hope you get in where ever is best and my fiances brother is in pt school.

heidi said...

Congratulations Zak! What a great feeling.

Pam and Rand said...

Congratulations! We'll be praying for the U of U. Hey, thanks for the good tunes. I enjoyed them very much, especially Fergie.

Pam and Rand said...

Congratulations! We'll be praying for the U of U. Hey, thanks for the good tunes. I enjoyed them very much, especially Fergie.

tiffany said...

i went private please send me your email address to so i can send an invite thanks and congrats again

tiffany said...
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Jaime said...

Yea for Zak! It has to be the U. I don't want you to move anywhere else. That would STINK.

Jo said...