Friday, May 06, 2011

Sleepy Evelynn

We went swimming with Evelynn yesterday and it pooped her out! She was so dang cute- waving to all of the people there, splashing her feet in the water. She was awesome. It does make it hard to feed her dinner afterwards though.


Jeni said...

Being exhausted myself that is just painful to watch! It's amazing she isn't throwing a fit though. My boys would be screaming incoherently. Nap time!

Jordan said...

She is so cute!! I love this video! Olivia and I had so much fun today swimming with her and Tiffany. We need to get together once you are up in Utah!

C, J, T, and M said...

That. Is. So. Funny. haha. Love it! Hope you guys are doing wonderfully well! PS...jason says he has some info for you about licensing in UT and NV (he is both). If you are interested...:)

mandi said...

Soooooooo cute!

Pam and Rand said...

Nap time for sure! It's so cute how she tried to obediently eat the fishy. What a doll!

Jo said...

That is AWESOME!! We were enjoying the movie clip here in dispatch. ;)