Monday, May 31, 2010

At last, more pictures!

I am so sorry that I have taken so long to blog again. I feel like whenever I get the motivation to blog I need to change a diaper or take a nap or something. I must do better. I so sorry. Our little munchkin is getting so big! She is past her birth weight as of like a week and a half ago, and her cheeks are starting to fill in. She makes SUPER cute faces after she eats or while she is waking up. I think that she has Tiffanie's sleeping genes. She is pretty hard to wake up when fully asleep. But in the process of waking up she stretches like crazy and makes a bunch of funny faces. SO CUTE. Anyways, here are some pics:

In her swing
Doing the muscle pose
Sucking a bink that's half her size- oh! and her eyes are getting more and more blue. I think she has my eye color.
She isn't a huge fan of the big kitty. She lasts maybe 30 seconds.


Linz said...

Oh! She is SOOOO cute!

Pam and Rand said...

Thank you! I was so disappointed last night with no pic. I love them. She is so cute! I thought her eyes would be really blue. She looks alot like mom. It would be fun if you posted new borns of you and Tiff. Her cheeks are filling out - It looks like her hair has thickened up. What a doll!

mandi said...
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mandi said...

I was going to demand more pics of tiny Evelynn - you read my mind! She is so cute! I want to hold her.

Michelle said...

I want to hold her toooooo!! She is just precious.

Jaime said...

I can't WAIT to hold her this weekend! I love the binky picture. You're lucky she will take one!